New Here?
Sunday Morning
Worship is currently available in person and online. Our in person service begins at 10:30am in the sanctuary. You can also view worship online on our Facebook page, or at our Vimeo Page.
Go here to see a list of groups that are meeting Sunday mornings.
At CBCFC, you will find folks in a variety of attire–from suit/tie to jeans. All that to say: come as you are—we’re happy to have you no matter what!
There are parking spaces available on either side of the Lynnwood Drive entrances for worship, as well as across the street. Handicap spaces are designated on either side of the sanctuary, but for elevator access to reach the sanctuary, parking on the left side of the sanctuary from Lynnwood Drive is most convenient.
preschool / Children
Guests entering through the sanctuary should walk straight on the right side of the stage and continue straight until you’ve walked through the whole building—this will get you to the Children’s Floor. Those entering at the Family Life Center should walk through the glass breezeway, turn left and walk through the Fellowship Hall, and then turn left again to walk until you run into the Children’s Floor.
What’s next?
1) Join a Study Group—this is a vital way to share life and learn more about God’s love. Find one that fits you here:
3) Get plugged in—if you’ve never been baptized, we’d love to talk with you about that opportunity! If you have and are looking to join the church another way, reach out to our ministerial team below.