bridge refugee ministry

Bridge Refugee Services provides opportunities for refugees to rebuild their lives, after suffering persecution, so that they become productive, contributing members of the community. The Community Assistance Team (CAT) formed from CBCFC has begun the process of working with a family who arrived in Knoxville last week from Afghanistan. While the needs are many and varied by family, for the month of November we will focus on specifics that are needed by most arriving families. You may want to organize your class, your small group, your extended family to work together to collect supplies for this project. Items may be brought to the church office. If you purchase new items, please include the receipt. Bridge has a matching grant and can receive a financial match for your donation! In addition, monetary donations will be accepted at CBCFC.

ALWAYS need gift cards:

Kroger – most needed
Walmart – most needed
KARM- to  help with clothing and other items
KAT bus passes for transportation
Uber gift cards – for those families not near public transportation