Church Media Center
Media Center Information

Sunday: 8:45 – 10:20 a.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 – 12 noon; 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.; 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Our Media Center is a great resource for fiction and non-fiction books and DVDs for Central Baptist members. Stop by and browse any time during Media Center hours!
You can now access the Media Center inventory online! Our software allows you to see Cover Images, First Chapters, Author Notes, Summaries, Table of Contents, and Fiction Profiles where publishers have allowed. There is a special Children’s Page that allows you to search by subject.
To gain access on your computer, simply go to, then click “Display” under OPAC Interface beside Central Baptist Church Fountain City. You may Log On in the upper right corner in order to reserve items, after which you will be contacted regarding a pickup time. Your user name is the initial of your first name followed by your last name (example: jsmith), and the password is cbcfc.
If you are unable to log on, please contact Kristi Pendley. You do not have to log on to browse our inventory.
To gain access on your mobile phone you must download the free mobile app “Librista.” The user name and password are the same as above.
You can sync our church directory directly to your Apple, Android or Kindle Fire device with a free app! Search for other members, then email, call or text right from the app.
It’s Easy!

- Scan the QR code. (If you don’t have a QR code scanner app, go to your device’s app store and search for “Instant Church Directory.”)
- Enter your email as it’s listed in the directory.
- Enter the assigned password into the app to begin syncing.
If you didn’t get your family photo taken, you can still get your family added to the directory! Here’s how to add your info and/or photo:
- For Photos: Send us a family photo of your choice! Please email Kristi Pendley with photo attached.
- For New Info: If we do not have your family information in the directory yet, you will not be able to download the directory. Please fill out a Family Info Form (this form can be requested by emailing Kristi Pendley). Return it to Kristi or the church office.
- For Updated Info: Please send an email to Kristi Pendley with your updated information.
Password to open: