Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
March 2025
Youth Choir Rehearsal
All youth 6th grade thru high school are welcome! Lunch is served at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
College & Young Adult Small Group
If you would like to be added to GroupMe for College updates, please contact Caleb: [email protected]
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. During this service, we recognize our sins, our frailty, and our need for reconciliation with God. We will consider the gift of Jesus Christ and will remember that God can clean up the messes we have made in our lives. We encourage you to participate in this service […]
Devotion with Ande Myers
Join Ande each Wednesday evening as he shares a weekly devotional on Facebook
Middle School Breakfast Devotional
Every fourth Thursday meet at Gresham Middle School.
Youth Choir Rehearsal
All youth 6th grade thru high school are welcome! Lunch is served at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
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